Fall Semester Biology 181
First-Year Opportunity: Introduction to Cutting-Edge Research in Biology

This course is also cross-listed as First-Year Programs (FYP) 181.
Biology (BIOL) 181 is the same course as FYP 181.
The only difference is which department, BIOL or FYP, is listed on your transcript for the course.

Professor: Paul S.G. Stein

A lecture course intended for first-year students contemplating a major in biology. Each week active researchers describe the biological context of their research, the specific questions they have formulated, the means by which they pursue the answers, and their data and conclusions. Students are expected to attend all lectures.

Attendance for class meetings on Tuesdays 3:30PM-4:45PM is required. Students are encouraged to take written notes when attending each lecture. Class notes will assist in three of the four written assignments.

Students will have four written assignments:

  1. one 1-page Reflection that summarizes a speaker's talk and discusses the implications of the speaker's research;
  2. two 2-4 page Short Papers that summarize a speaker's talk, discuss 2 PDFs that are associated with each speaker's talk, and suggest new experiments in the speaker's field; and
  3. one 1-page Autobiographical Information assignment.

Must be taken Credit/No Credit. A letter grade is not an option. For first-year non-transfer students only. There are no exams in the course. Medium-sized class. Credit 1 unit. Fall Semester, Tuesdays, 3:30PM-4:45PM. In-person class attendance is required.

CDT Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
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